So yesterday I decided to tackle a little spring cleaning. Matt and I have been living in our little rented condo for about a year and a half. That is way longer then we have ever lived anywhere and being that when we move we are forced to purge our items, this little project was way over due. Now, as some of you might have asked yourself, "where do I start?" This question played on repeat over and over in my head, do I start in my studio or the garage? Well, I have figured out the perfect spring cleaning routine. Please enjoy!
1. Go to the store and get your comfort food, I happen to pick up a box of Keeblers Chocolate Chunk Cookies.
2. In order to get pumped about cleaning, google the show HOARDERS. Watch an entire episode. Think to yourself, "well, it isn't that bad" and "if I don't clean this mess up, I will become one of those people." It is really important to really watch the show in order to get motivated and to get your strategy down.
3. Now its time to clean up! First, start in the hardest most boring room. Touch each item and ask yourself, "do I love it, do I need it, do I want it?" If you say no to any of these questions, then toss it. If you say yes, then the next question is, "have I touched this item in the last year?" If you say no, then toss it. If you have, then find a nice home for this item. *This rule does not apply to "memory" items. If this contains a real sincere memory, then toss it in a Memory Box.
4. Remember to eat your comfort food when you feel overwhelmed.
5. A playlist is crucial to making the day go faster. So blast your favorite and dance it out when you get bored. I like to clean to 80's music.
6. Ok, when you get to the nitty gritty and you can't go anymore, then get 1 big box, only put the things you don't want to put away right now, toss the rest. Put that box in the garage or the basement and save it until next years spring cleaning!
* "Oh there it is!" You will find yourself saying this a lot! Don't be embarassed, I found a box of my camera's I forgot where I put. I am a photographer and need these items. This does not embarrass me.
Happy cleaning!
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