Saturday, April 24, 2010

To Do

So, I have been uber-busy lately at work. Really no time at all to do anything else. It has always been a challenge in life for me to balance things. I get tired very easily, so if I have a busy day at work, then I come home and sleep. See, it is very hard for me to have a normal balanced life. I see people who have a job or jobs, then they take care of their kids, make dinner (and dessert), clean, craft, blog, etc., etc. Me, nope, can't do it. So as I was pondering this idea, I decided I was going to add "Multi-tasking, but making sure I finish the tasks" to my TO DO IN LIFE. Then of course it led to the question: What else do I need to do in life? So I would like to share some of the ones I was thinking about this morning.

1. Learn to Multi-task/ Make sure I finish the produces
2. Shoot more images
3. Get back into painting
4. Learn to cook/ Put recipes in my recipe book that are legit
5. Learn to make tiramisu for Matt
6. Finish all sewing projects before starting a new one
7. Blog more
8. Read more
9. Keep myself more organized
10. Keep in contact more with my friends and family
11. Stop spending so much time on facebook. It is a life suck.
12. Meet creative souls and share ideas
13. Hang with Carla and my kiddies more
**14. Get back into working out. Go for a hike. Take the dogs for longer walks.

** Most important To Do on my list.

I will add more to this list as I think of them. Or if you see one that I am missing, send me a comment.

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